24 maj 2013

Oral Presentation Grading Matrix

Grade E
Grade C
Grade A
Can express themselves  clearly, fluently and relatively varied
Can express themselves fluently, clearly, varied and relatively freely.
Can express themselves fluently, clearly, varied, freely and in a balanced way.
Presentation is relatively
Structured. Student can  discuss the subject in basic terms and make simple comparisons with their own experience/knowledge
Presentation is structured. Student can discuss the subject in detail and make well developed comparisons with their own experience/knowledge
Presentation is structured. Student can discuss the subject in detail and in a balanced way and make well developed and balanced comparisons with their own experience/knowledge
Application of method/words
Students can in a relevant way use the material selected in their own production and interaction.
Students can in a relevant and effective way use the material selected in their own production and interaction.
Students can in a relevant, effective and critical way use the material selected in their own production and interaction.
Adaptation to audience
Some adaptation to purpose and recipient
Some adaptation to purpose and recipient
With adaptation to purpose and recipient
Time as a part of the structure of the presentation.
Show some regard to the time limit
Show relative  regard to the time limit
Show regard to the time limit

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