24 maj 2013

Important parts of the syllabus

These knowledge requirements are not everything in the syllabus. You can find a link to the entire syllabus to the right. 

Main working areas for theme:advertisements

1) Understanding of spoken and written English, and also the ability to interpret content.
2) The ability to express oneself and communicate in English in speech and writing.
4) The ability to adapt language to different purposes, recipients and situations.

5) The ability to discuss and reflect on cultural features in different contexts and parts of the world where English is used.

English 6 Grade E

Pupils can understand the main content and basic details of English spoken at  a
varying speed and in clearly expressed written English in various genres.
Students show their understanding by in basic terms giving an account of, discussing
and commenting on content and details, and with acceptable results act on the basis of
the message and instructions in the content.
In oral and written communications of various genres, students can express
themselves in relatively varied ways, relatively clearly and relatively coherently. 
Students can express themselves with some fluency and to some extent adapted to
purpose, recipient and situation. Students work on and make improvements to their
own communications.
In oral and written interaction in various, and more formal contexts, students can
express themselves clearly and with some fluency and some adaptation to purpose,
recipient and situation.
Students discuss in basic terms some features in different contexts and parts of the
world where English is used, and can also make simple comparisons with their own
experiences and knowledge.

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